​Delivery of new stock - time estimate in the week of 10th - 14th February 2025
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Pinkpawpal is used worldwide and is recognised by professionals as a proven and consistant quality grooming range
All Pinkpawpal products have been specially formulated and perfected to suit all your pets grooming needs. Pinkpawpal products are endorsed by breeders worldwide.
There are many breeds of cats and dogs that suffer from tear staining some of which are listed here:
Cats: Persians, exotics, chinchilla Persians, British Shorthair, British Longhair, maine coon, ragdoll, Norwegian Forest, Balinese, Siberian Cats, Turkish angora, Turkish Van
Dogs: Maltese, Bichon Frise, Havanese, Bulldog, King Charles Cavalier, Brittany, Brussel Griffon, Chihuahua, Chinese Crested, Cocker Spaniel, Lhapsa Apso, Bedlington Terrier, Japanese Chin, Shih Tzu, Komondor.
Pinkpawpal Wink Eye Powder contains chamomile extract. It is powerful at reducing tear staining and inflammation around eyes and face. This fine and delicate Wink Eye powder, can be used in conjunction with Eye and Facial Cleansing Concentrated Solution.
Pinkpawpal has one of the most comprehensive and effective grooming product ranges on the market. Specially formulated for dogs, cats, kittens and puppies. The product range includes cat and dog tear stain removing powders and solutions, cat and dog volumizing sprays, cat and dog degreasing shampoos, cat and dog silky soft nourishing conditioner, cat and dog whitening and silky shampoo, facial and kitten shampoo and cat and dog facial cleansing solutions.

Happy New Year